Non-Response/Failure-to-Appear Tool
To maximize jury yield, an important factor that needs to be explored is non-response
or failure-to-appear rates. Nationally, jurors fail to appear for an average of
9% of all summonses, but FTA rates can range from less than 1% to more than 50%
in some jurisdictions. About four out of every five courts conduct some type of
follow-up on FTA jurors; however, the only approaches found to produce measurable
reductions in FTA rates are those that issue a second notice or summons to the offending
juror, and then, in the event that the recipient still does not respond, follows
up with more aggressive tactics such as an order to show cause hearing or capias
warrant. If applied consistently and in a timely manner, these procedures not only
improve the response to jury summonses, but also increase the number of citizens
who may be qualified to serve for jury duty. Additionally, as a result of having
more qualified jurors available for jury service through follow up procedures, the
Court may be able to reduce the number of qualification questions it mails annually,
thus, saving printing, postage and staff processing costs. Click here
for more information about best practices to follow up on jurors who fail to respond or
failure to appear for jury service.
This Non-Response/Failure-to-Appear Tool collects information about existing follow-up
procedures in the court, estimates the expected increase in juror yield that would
result from implementing different follow-up programs, and estimates the anticipated
fiscal impact of those follow- up programs. The report generated by the Non-Response/Failure
to Appear Tool provides information about best practices to improve citizen response
to jury summonses.